Sunday, September 8, 2013

*dusts off blog*

Between a full time job, one husband, 3 cats, preparing for school, 4-5 road trips, and seeing my shrink I somehow lost track of this thing.

Remember back in 2012 when I gave work the proverbial finger swearing I would never be anything other then a phone jokey? Yeah... that didn't pan out too well.  Now, not only am I managing and directing 13-20 people I'm also leading the entire call site here in Portland, and all other call sites nationwide in the use of our tools. How you ask?  Because I accepted a new position that several other people weren't able to handle.  And for the last 9 months I felt I couldn't handle it either, despite the fact everyone said I was doing great. My new manager and I didn't have the slightest clue what we were getting into.  We didn't know how much this position would grow and all the additional responsibilities that were to be crammed in 17 hrs per week. But finally I think I have the position figured out, and each week now seems to be getting easier as long as I ignore the perfectionist within me.

Which is great timing because I'm about to jump back into school.  Now that I know I want the AAS in Web Design and Development I managed to draft out a plan for all my classes.  So from 9/23/2013 to Dec of 2016 I'll be doing 2-3 classes a term year round.  Due to the nature of the classes I'll be able to do most online but there will be some that I'll have to miss days of work for.  Thankfully I'll have the job to practice what I learn for any of those pesky tests.  So I fear my social life will not exist at all or will be entirely online.  I better get a newer phone... shucks... ;-)

Well I'm off to go shower and runs some errand, bye all!

Sunday, December 2, 2012

My Abbreviated PCOS Story.

I find I'm asked this question a lot and maybe it's about time I write it all out.  I was born a skinny little kid without an ounce of baby fat (or so my mother says).  I lived this boney life eating whatever I wanted and caring little about the quantity.  Then at 12 I started middle school and puberty simultaneously.  Over night I sprouted C cups and self doubt.  
From this point on everything changed.  Anything I ate turned into excess weight added to my body.  Menstrual cycles were heinous  at best, plagued with anemia and lots of laundry.  My mood swings were off the chart.  I either loved everyone or hated everyone with a fiery passion and had to find a way to hide all the craziness from everyone who seemed to have a better control of their emotions.  

I lived this way till I reached age 25.  I got married that year to the best man of my life and started to get really comfortable.  I let diet and activity slide and next thing I knew I blossomed to a curvy woman of close to 300lbs, unpredictable moods, and dangerously close to the diabetic line.  I tried to talk to my doctors at kaiser pleading for answers and all they could tell me was that it was all just puberty.  After getting married I decided I had enough and dropped kaiser completely, replacing it with blue cross health insurance.  That is the first time I heard the abbreviation PCOS (polycystic ovary syndrom).  I won't spend too much time describing this but here's a link to various resources you could read.

After meeting with several specialists the decision was to change my diet, and add more activity to my life.  I've been following a basic low carb diet, eliminating all gluten (due to an allergy), and managed to lose the first 60lbs really fast.  Since 2010 I was pregnant twice both resulting in miscarriages.  During the last two years I've had three different surgeries and tons of frustration.  I started to slip on the lifestyle change and at 30 I started to battle depression again.

So I'm now focusing on getting back on track.  I've surprisingly I fallen in love with running and have managed to log over 213 miles for this year.  I'm now flirting with the 200lb line and am working really hard to cross into the 100s.  I started a gym membership and a new medication to help my body process insulin.   I feel I'm determined now more than ever to make things right but it's still a struggle.
After PCOS

Before PCOS

Me Now